Simon Eliot Show
The Simon Eliot Show was a ground-breaking quiz show for children, based on the hit book ‘Everything You Need to Know about the World ‘. Contestants interacted in real-time with a 2D animated character, Simon, whose movements were operated by a puppeteer using a console controller. Children played from home via the internet using a webcam, while Simon (voiced by Gareth Ruck) hosted the show from the ‘virtual’ studio in Wellington.
Whilst working at Kojo Group, I got involved part way through Season 1, animating the cut scenes that visually explained answers to contestant questions (see NZ Onscreen to view the Pilot).
Adhering to a particular illustration style, set by the original animator, I co-created a dozen short animations a week for Season 1. I became lead animator for Season 2.
The show won a NZ On Air award for ‘Outstanding Innovation in Kids Programmes’.